I have been following several RSS Feeds and I thought it was about time I reviewed 10 of my favourites. These RSS Feeds give me many things from inspiration to industry news. They are in no particular order so I hope you will follow them all. Add them to your RSS reader of choice and […]
In late June Emily and I walked from Cat Crag where Ennerdale Youth Hotel is to Wastwater Youth Hostel. Along the way I took some landscape shots including this photomontage I put together of Wastwater.
If you have been following my blog so far you will have seen I have been posting about how to improve your SEO rating and promote your Photoshelter account using Social networking sites. In my last post I covered all about You Tube and how posting a video of my images to You Tube improved […]
In my previous Blog I outlined the first step on the road to SEO for Photoshelter Accounts. That post was going to have all the information in but unfortunately it looks like I have got a long job ahead of me so I am going to continue in a series of posts so if you […]
Well I signed up to photoshelter a few months back and threw myself into collecting and following as much advice as possible. Here I am going to share my knowledge and tell you all what I have done to SEO optimize my photoshelter account. First things first! Have a look at the SEO grader in […]
Funny animals at the Zoo – Images by Thomas Jupe These photos, shot at a wild animal sanctuary & conservation park were a bonus for my catalogue. It was a day trip planned for my girlfriend earlier last year but I couldn’t resist taking the camera to capture some of the animals characteristics and personalities. […]
In order to improve my SEO I have relented finally to getting a flickr account and linking my photos back to where they can be purchased. Here is a useful video from you tube about Flickr SEO I update my Flickr directly from my Photoshelter account easily. To look at my Flickr Account go to: […]